Renán Zelada Cisneros (he/him)

Music composer, human being, your fellow traveler on this rock floating in the emptiness of space. As a wise friend of mine said, “I come from my mother’s womb.” This happened in a hospital in Caracas, Venezuela. Since then, mind and flesh traveled to different destinations, like Paris, Panama, Lima, Santiago de Chile, Łódź (where I learned to think about music with the kind and generous Zygmunt Krauze), Den Haag (where I further became what you could call a composer at the place where others greater than me have breathed and eaten), Amsterdam (where I met some of the dearest friends I have, and opened my eyes to colors and movement on a white screen), and Barcelona (the city I currently call home and where I’ve met so many beautiful people).

When you ask me, what kind of music I make, I don’t always know how to answer. Through the years I’ve changed my mind on many subjects, also music. I’ve fallen in and out of love with chords, melodies, rhythms, text, and so on. I’ve second- and third- and fourth-guessed myself endless times. But you’ll get a better impression of my work on this playlist:

If you prefer, you can also find me on bandcamp and spotify.

Music doesn’t exist in a vacuum for me. I’m the most inspired when I work with others, especially people who have other kinds of expertise, like musicians, painters, filmmakers, theater makers. If you like the work I do, please do contact me and maybe we can make something nice together. You can also reach me via whatsapp at +34640872674.