Otaku – おたく

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video no_cookie=”true” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgT-ka-Sbz0&list=WL&index=1″][vc_column_text]Carlotta is a 6 year old girl who accidentally find some bizarre dolls in the basement of her neighbor’s cellar.

This project shows for me the wonders of the connected world we live in. It is a film directed by two Iranian filmmakers, Tara Kaboli and Khashayar Yousefzadeh, who live in Italy. It is an Italian-language film that incorporates elements of Japanese culture (hentai, origami, video games, and anime). That I, a Chilean/Venezuelan composer living in the Netherlands, got to make music for the film, makes the whole project even crazier in my opinion. It was a joy to work with these people, and the result is really beautiful.

Halicarnassus Film Festival 2021 (Greece) – Best Short Film Award
Golden Short Film Festival 2021
Sweden Film Awards 2021 – Finalist
Barcelona Indie Filmmakers Fest 2021 (Spain) – Official Selection
Madrid Indie Film Festival 2021 (Spain) – Official Selection
Tokyo Liftoff Film Festival 2021 (Japan)
Featured in the monthly Mediterranean Film Festival 2021

The soundtrack will be soon available on Spotify.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]